Featured Book By Jason Gehlert

City of Madness

Horror/Flash Fiction


Jason Gehlert

As horrormeister Jason Gehlert’s library continues to evolve and expand towards new genres, his emergence as a literary voice continues to build momentum. His past works including his highly successful jungle zombie novel, Contagion, and the terrifying shark gorefest, Red Triangle. These have caught his reader’s attention. His early werewolf series Quiver is currently being revised for future release with a new story in the Quiver universe. Gehlert’s partnership with Black Bed Sheet books continues as his City of Madness has been released, along with Rift, a brand release through BBS. Rift adds companion stories for both Sacrificial Sons and Jeremiah Black. Rift completes the Black thrillogy. He also authored tje collections Ghost Primts, Cinema and Filter (the latter featuring a short comic book story featuring Mr. Gehlert), and Gehlert edited the anthology Read Us or Die for Black Bed Sheet Books. He is currently prepping the release of several new works.

Armed with a Communication/Media Degree from SUNY-New Paltz, Gehlert continues to tour the country, from the Playboy Mansion, to various horror conventions, offering advice about writing, marketing, and the promotional side of being an author, Jason is conquering the world with his fiction even as you read this. He lives in New York with his golden retriever Jasper and his daughters. Gehlert is an advocate for Down syndrome awareness.

Bloody Trails

The Invite

When Ander Willows invites guests to his home for dinner, everything is not what it seems. Willows has other plans of insidious design for his former inner circle and boss. This will be one night they will never forget.

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Read Us or Die

A fierce collection of the best of Black Bed Sheet authors, assembled and curated by Gehlert. 


A companion collection  of stories  to Sacrificial Sons. There are personal poems and a short story called Know Your Enemy, where Gehlert’s opens up about his battle with memory loss.  Rift also features an unpublished poem from his late mother, Carol Gehlert.



It’s up to doctors Nathan and Madison to locate a missing colleague, Quentin Forsythe  in a remote African colony. What they find  is a horror beyond imagination.


Cinema offers rich horror in story and poetry form. One of the acclaimed stories, Echoes, features a Down syndrome character. Jeremiah Black also returns in another short story, continuing his rampage through Gehlert’s literary universe.

Skin Of My Teeth

After my recent hospital stay during the early months of 2023. I became unglued. Another tight bout with diverticulitis, heart concerns, the jarring loss of a dear friend, and more. I needed to open these wounds and spill out content. The ER was a nightmare, my stay in the hospital was grueling and my imagination and insanity had overtaken me. From my obsession with my IV pole, the fear of IV removal, starved madness from the abstinence of food, and the fitting farewell to a dear friend. It is all captured here in its gritty and grimy realism.

Jolly Octopus

Jolly Octopus is a madcap, and dark humerus romp through sea-based tales. At the core, a tainted beach that harbors more than just sand and waves. A collection of random, or maybe not so random jaunts spun from the likes of a seedy Captain, a sneaky tiki owner, a boy and his dog, a retire-ready Detective, and an assortment of other rich characters, both in wealth and mind.


Gehlert delivers another fantastic read! His imagination grabs you in a headlock that won’t let go until the startlingly impressive end.

Terry Horns, author of Chophouse and The Ragman


Sacrificial Sons is a sinister, fast-paced and mesmerizing story that grips the reader and won’t let go.

– Tom Sawyer, Author of Dark Harbors, and Shadows of the Dark


Gehlert has woven a dark and visceral tale. Unpredictable  and addicting, it’s a truly fitting prequel to Jeremiah Black.

– Michael R. Collins, author of In The Shadows Of The Wicked, and Some Scary Stories

Jeremiah Black

A tour de force of horror. Jeremiah, now the Devil’s hitman must elude a stubborn London Inspector Jackson Granger as they travel through time in a bloody cat and mouse. 

 Sacrifcial Sons


1850’s Ocracoke N.C.- the Devil uses a local town to gain access to their infant sons, including an unborn Jeremiah Black. The plan is clear, he wants to build a new regime of evil.  Lives will be lost, sacrifices will be made, and an unborn child’s fate hangs in the balance. 

Red Triangle

A heart-pounding adventure that puts San Francisco under the seige of three prehistoric sharks. A Sheriff, a marine biologist, and a cocky shark expert join forces to save the city. 

Demon Revolver

A western collection of short stories that features some of Gehlert’s earlier work. A mix of horror and action.



A macabre collection of horror and suspense. Featuring a comic strip and visceral art, Filter earns it place in your library. Dream catchers are meant to ward off evil, but what happens when they let it in?

Ghost Prints

Ghost Prints offers the debut of the Ferryman, a Woodsman tale, and other stories featuring Tammy Gehlert and writer Robert Milby. A defintive thrill ride of horror and frightening characters.

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